Sing along with Tucker

Tucker’s owners say five or six times a day the Schnoodle jumps up onto the piano stool. He sings along as he plays.

They also say he isn’t improving, but he doesn’t have to. He’s already hilarious. We need all the laughs we can get. I’m going to keep this link for days when life throws challenges my way.

6 thoughts on “Sing along with Tucker

  1. Michelle

    I laughed out loud all the way through that moving rendition!! I especially loved the thoughtful pause (“paws?!?”) at the end, when Tucker was deciding whether he was finished or not.

  2. Manon

    Oh, I haven’t laughed so much in a long time! That was just hilarious. I sent it to everyone I know who’s into dogs.
    Bet Tucker is copying one of his owners!

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